Virtrio's recruitment experts will help you launch hiring campaigns digitally to tap the best talents within our virtual workspace. We’ll start with a detailed kick-off call to discuss requirements and set expectations, we will white label the solution to your brand and need. We will have weekly status meetings with a dedicated project manager to give you a clear picture of progress and performance.
With niche features like resume parsing, candidate tracking we automate intelligently to shortlist. You can send out attendee invitations establish access permissions and manage attendees, partners and sponsors. Conduct interviews in your virtual office designed to promote your brand and organization. Record the conversations, review and shortlist. Multiple rounds, private chats, psychometric analysis, Hiring calls can all be done virtually.
Onboard your selected candidates with our virtual onboarding tool . Set up their HR meetings to fulfill statutory requirements. Conduct the induction process virtually with orientation workshops too. Let your selected candidates complete mandatory orientation trainings, meet and itneract with their teams. Accomplish all these seamlessly at the convenience of your fingertip pwoered by smart tech.